Brastel participates in Educational Project "Fundo Estudantil"
Brastel is sponsoring the "Student Fund" launched by the Consulate General of Brazil in Tokyo, in partnership with NPO ABC Japan. The fund aims to offer partial scholarships to students from Brazilian schools in Japan, to cover costs related to the payment of tuition and teaching materials.

The Covid-19 pandemic worsened the financial situation of many Brazilian families and schools in Japan, so the student fund will financially assist Brazilian families that have opted for the Brazilian education system and will also support the stability of Brazilian schools in Japan. About 40 students will benefit from the project.
"This is not the first time Brastel participates in educational/cultural projects. A few years ago we celebrated the "Japan-Brazil Exchange Year" dedicated to the 100th year of Japanese immigration to Brazil. Brastel promoted a drawing contest for children and teenagers and also invited a Brazilian artist to run a painting workshop. The winning design of the drawing contest was printed in a special edition of our Brastel Card and part of the revenue was used to support educational projects."
"I strongly believe that it is important to invest in education. This is an old social problem that just got worse with the pandemic in Japan and in the world. We need to motivate young people to open their eyes to see the different perspectives of life, to always learn new skills, not to be afraid of studying and training in order to prepare themselves to work."
"There will be many crises in your lives, but a key point to your success is to not to drop out of school now. Brastel also offers part-time jobs for young students."
noted Brastel's CEO Wilson Kendi Kawai in his interview with magazine Revista Alternativa.
We will continue to promote our CSR (Company Social Responsibility) activities that will help us to create new value necessary for society, to develop products that make people happier, and to contribute to a sustainable society so that customers and local communities always talk to us.
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